Wednesday 16 October 2019


  Spontaneity is something or an idea that arises from a momentary impulse.
   Great inventions and opportunities came spontaneously; in a flash quietly and still coming per seconds to date. The ones tapped into are the success stories we have till today. Likewise, countless opportunities are wasted daily by people who are waiting for loud voices and vivid picture.
  Greatness comes to people who captured these spontaneous ideas, pen it down and act on it. Jack Canfield said, when you have inspired impulse to take action, DO IT NOW.
    Procrastination or over analysis is the enemy of invention. While procrastination and over analysis is going on, the challenges of life show up and choke the ideas.
    The bedrock of  failed spontaneous ideas is failure. Rev. Sam Adeyemi said failure is a compulsory curriculum in the school of success. If you must succeed, you must learn not to be afraid of failure because it is the stepping stone to the success story.
    When you over process without taking action, you'll kill the seed in your mind without giving it the opportunity to hit the ground where it has the opportunity to grow. "No man ever became greater or good except through many and great mistakes" William E. Gladstone.
    Stop ignoring that quiet drop in your heart because of fear of failure. Rather, pen it down and go to work with it until it becomes relevantly applicable. Remember that loud is not always right and failure is full of light that takes one out of the dark tunnel if well used.

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