Thursday 19 July 2018


Everyday is a day of purpose.You existed in the first instance because of purpose, You'll live through life for purpose and with purpose and your relevance or irrelevance is determined by purpose. Man's life is encompassed by purpose. Ecclesiates 3:1(amplified ) says, there is a season (a time appointed) for everything and a time for every delight and event or purpose under heaven.  Yet, we often wonder what is this purpose?Before I define purpose, I want to reiterate it again, that, you came at your appointed time for an appointed asignment by God. Whatever your religious biase is, you didnt self create yourself nor wish your way to this earth. The force that brought you here, did it for a reason. Congrats if you already know your purpose and congrats still if you are yẻt to know because God is quick to always reveal purpose. Till next time, keep walking in purpose.

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