Friday 27 September 2019


  Purpose is life and life is purpose. Ignorance of man has made man to seperate these twins. How are they twins? No matter your religious biases, or accepted evolutional theory, you know that you didnt create yourself nor wish yourself  here. A force bigger than you brought you to the earth. This is the main reason you didnt choose your parent, nationality, and some other things.
  In Eccl 3:1(amplified), the Bible says, there is a season (a time appointed) for everything and a time for every delight and event or purpose under heaven. The appointed time is not your making, you found yourself here, then this should get you thinking.
  If God, by His timing brought me here in a time as this, He sure has a plan and a job for me here.
  This should be your utmost concern. Late Dr Myles Munroe says, there are five questions to be answered before you succeed:
1. Who am I ( IDENTITY).
2. Where am I from (SOURCE).
3. Why am I here (PURPOSE)
4. What can I do (POTENTIAL).
5. Where am I going (DESTINY).
  Purpose falls right in the middle of these five great questions before you hit the all desired button of success individually and corporately.
  Purpose is who YOU ARE. FIND YOURSELF.

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