Monday 27 January 2020


Jeremiah 1:5: Before I formed you in the womb I knew [and] approved of you [as My chosen instrument], and before you were born I separated and set you apart, consecrating you; [and] I appointed you as a prophet to the nations..

God's words expressed to Jeremiah that became a turning point in his life trajectory. Man is full of options and activities, but the voice of God as regards his life assignment puts him on the right track.

Every human being alive had God approval and is a chosen instrument of God. Whether he is aware or believed it or not is another issue entirely. But, we are all here on assignment.

God should be called Intentional because,  He never did anything out of point. He is a business minded person and everything is meant to serve a purpose. There is no frivolities with Him and that's the same way he wants us to approach life.

No matter what life has told you or throw at you. Irrespective of what you have come to believe, you are still breathing because you are approved by God and you are an instrument in His hand.

You are here on assignment (purpose), you must be consumed with the quest to know your assignment and fulfilling. At the funeral of Whitney Houston ( arguably the best hip hop star), Kevin Costner was asked by her family to speak because of the bond of friendship between them. Kevin Costner said, Whitney with all the worldly achievements has the fear of not been good enough, not beautiful enough.

What Whitney had, people will kill to get it. Yet, she had the fear of insecurity because, nothing satisfies like being convinced that you are walking the path of divine purpose for your life.
When the roll call of purpose is made, may you not been found wanting in Jesus name.

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