Tuesday 9 May 2017


Haven't been ignorantly taught that the future is waiting for you, it's high time we woke up to the reality that, the future is not at your mercy. Rev. Isaac Boluwatise (Founder and lead Pst of the The Light Tower Church) says, the future is at the rate you run towards it and he is very right.

Non challant attitude and "pêrfect weather" syndrome won't get you anywhere. Revelation of the future is an impetus to ẻnergize you towards the race for the future and not to impede you.
Oh why won't the future wait for me to take my time and run at my pace? One of the ănswers is that; your timely response towards the future is an ănswer to many other peoples' destinies and situations. Yes, your destiny is unique, yet, ọther destinies are tied to it.

Ever imagined what would have happened to Jacob and family if Joseph had messed up the opportunity of being the Prime Minister of Egypt at the time of famine [Gen. 37-50].

The hard truth is that, no man can ground God's plan. You either grab your opportunity or get out of the way. Thêre is always a replacement. The other people tied to your destinies are not going to live forever, as all men are bound by a limited time frame so, God replaces you with a more proactive person inorder for those other peoples' destinies to be fulfilled.
Martin Luther King Junior says, if you can't fly then run, if you can't run walk, if you can't walk crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward. Keep moving forward towards the future and always remember that the future is not at your mercy.

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