Tuesday 30 May 2017


ONE STEP AT A TIME, hmmmn, may be it sounds familiar? Should I take one step at a time or attempt marathon strides within the shortest possible time? It's a question we all will ask one day or you've already asked yourself many times over. Life's rhythm seems too slow for us so much so that we felt it could be fast forwarded by human effort.

Eccl 3:1-8, the most authentic manual of our manufacturer wisely admonished us that there is time for everything under the sun. This is not by anyway justifying lackaidaisical strides towards the future. yet, a man's way is planned and ordered by God.

If you run ahead of it, you are too fast and if you lag behind you are too slow. Tough, isn't it. Lord, how do we take one step at a time and still catch up fully with your will?
King David will readily come to mind. In Psalm 90:12, he wrote, teach us to number our days .......  he lived for 70 years and got recommended for fulfilling his destiny in his generation.

Jesus was another example of  man who knew how to take one step at a time.
Age 30 signifies year of launching out un Jewish history. He waited till 30 years before he went public even though He had the capacity to start teaching from day one on earth as He was both God and man on earth.

Moses was born a deliverer yet he needed to go through his due processes to fully function in his divinely ordained and designed capacity. When Moses in Exodus 2:11-15; 3:1-10 ran ahead of destiny by killing an Egyptian  in lieu of his assignment to Israel, he was exposed by an Israelite and he ran himself out of town before time. Thank God for mercy that preserved his destiny.
I think one of the reasons an Israelite whom he was to safe exposed him was because he was not yet recognised as their saviour. The stage was not yet set for him to act out his role.

The way to go is to go with God all the way as recommended by David. If we learn to trust and follow Him day by day, whether the journey will be a 33+(Jesus),or 70 (David), it will be as God leads.
The "instanta " nature of this generation is surely a problem. We have the tendencies to want everything now without paying the dues. Don't run yourself out of town, life,and purpose because you don't understand how to take one step at time.

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