Wednesday 26 April 2017


The success or failure of today started yesterday. Infact, it happened yesterday but just manifested today since "now" is the manifestation of "before now". God said to Jeremiah in Jer.1:5(NIV): Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.

Toure Roberts says "God's words spoken to man is the revelation of what heaven is already celebrating about the person". Whether it will be a reality or not depends on how now is maximized.Since God always has it together with Him as the master planner, He'll always prepare a man ahead of what He wants to do in the man's life.

What man calls the 'suddenness of God' is what I call the 'manifestation of God's hidden preparation of a man and the appropriate response of man to his hidden preparation". Adam could call Eve's appearance a suddenness but no it wasnt.

Suddenness often distabilises a man but Adam was not distabilise at Eve's appearance. Rather, he joyously identified her and named her Eve (Gen. 3:20). Remember that Adam had named animals earlier in preparation for naming Eve; a part of Him (Gen. 2:19). NOTHING JUST HAPPEN. Show me how you relate with today then, you make me a prophet about what tomorrow will be.

Failure is the carelessness of today in forfeiture of tomorrow while success is taking now serious and getting into tomorrow prepared.

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