Monday 17 April 2017


Tradition is the inherited pattern of thoughts and action, while faith is God's ways of doing things as found in the Bible and the leading of the Holyspirit. From time immemorial, tradition has been the greatest enemy of faith.

Martin Luther got liberated from spiritual colony of tradition by the scriptural revelation in Romans 1:17(NIV) for in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed- a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: the righteous shall live by faith.  Please read also Colossians 2:8-23.I'll quote vs 8:See that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.

The deep concern on my mind is " why are the christians living more by traditions rather than faith"? If they claimed to be saved by faith in Christ, why is the faith too weak to take care of all aspects of our lives. Many got stuck at salvation, their minds never metamorphosed from 'how we use to do where I came from to how the Bible says it should be done'(Gal 2:20).

Recently, I met a professed christian but who in actual sense is majorly ruled by"traditions" than the bible- no thanks to wrong teachings from
churches. We got into discussion and 90% of his solutions were tradition based while he was accruing them to the scriptures.

I told him point blank to point me to scriptutal bases for all he said and he didnt have any. He kept saying, that's how our church does it. I got worried and pointed to few scriptures concerning our discussion. When he felt he has lost relevance, in defense he said to me; was it not the white men that brought christianity and the Bible which is full of their traditions? We should not abandon our tradition which was our sustenance before they came and obey the Bible hook line and sinker.

Hmmn, I responded saying, sir, you are a 'traditionalist' not a christian. If the Bible to you and your church is "white mans religion" and not God's word with final authority over all issues , it's
nothing but hypocrisy. It became clearer to me the reason why we claim long years in faith and still slaves to tradition.

I strongly feel what faith is saying to us is F- FEAR, A- ALL, I- INHERITED, T- THOUGHTS and H- HABITS. Tradition is bondage.
I'll quote my pastor, Rev. IAT Boluwatise (Lead Pastor Light Tower Church), " I have learnt to always respect those who have gone ahead in faith and also learnt to put God's word above all men".
God bless christians leaders who are progressive, as they discover more lights in the word and they adjust.

I take a stand of faith and for faith. I HATE TRADITION, I HATE RELIGION. It only leads to bondage. Stop saying what the Bible didnt say.

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