Sunday 12 July 2020


   1 Kings 17:1 ELIJAH THE Tishbite, of the temporary residents of Gilead, said to Ahab, As the Lord, the God of Israel, lives, before Whom I stand, there shall not be dew or rain these years but according to My word.
  Before this chapter, King Ahab and his wife, queen Jezebel had promoted the worship of Baal, an Idol in the land (I kings 16: 29-30) and Many Jews were already lured into this idolatry.
    There came a time when someone with the spirit of the Lord had to confront sin in the land. And the person happened to be Elijah. In confidence from the place of intimate fellowship with God, he declared war on evil.
   Is there evil in our land? Are you qualified to declare war on it? Because only those who have intimate fellowship and relationship with the Lord have divine backing to sack evil in the land.
   Worthy of note here is also the nature of Elijah's declaration. Baal was believed to be god of the sky, and fertility. The prophet was strategic to challenge the credibility of baal, if baal is truly god of fertility and sky. Let him give rain to the land.
    Lack of water to an agrarian people means so much and generally water is a compulsory solvent for and plants. Elijah said, there won't be rain according to His word.
    When God decides to confront evil in the land, can you be his mouth piece ?
When you make declaration, will heaven honor your voice?
To be continued.....

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