Friday 8 December 2017

                                             MAN AT HIS BEST
    It is now a common saying especially by professionals of psychology and counseling that pastors are not qualified to do this job. Let's look at a few things together.
    Firstly, I submit that not all acclaimed pastors are true pastors as the forewarned us in Matthew 7:15; 16:11-12, 24:24, Acts 20:29-30, 2Peter 2:1-3, 1John 4:2-5 e.t.c. This article is about true pastors as regards psychology and counseling. Haven said that, I sympathize with victims of fake pastors, may God restore your lost in Jesus name.
    Furthermore, let's see the biblical side of this story. In the Old Testament, priests were all in all to the people,( e.g, see Leviticus 13). They stood before God to represent the people and God in turn equips and instruct them on all issues regarding the people.But,  knowledge has increased and still increasing with differs of development in all kinds of discipline, Daniel 12:4, Rev.22:10.
    Now, in our new age and times, you can get professionals to sort your psychological issues and any other counseling issues arising which is very beautiful. It is not wrong or sinful to engage professionals but it is wrong to say pastors can't out-rightly deal with these "professionalized" psychological issues and the ones the professionals called untouchable by pastors. Why is it so?
   Pastor Paula white- Cain says (not verbatim),  "it is fine to see professionals psychologists and counselors for they will only take you to time and space but, only God can take you out of time and space to uproot the source of any issue". God is still the maker of man, He alone understands perfectly well the workings of the human system on earth; be it psychological, physiological, emotional, and what are few. Therefore, pastors as His representatives are in the best position to help man out of such issues.
   True pastors do not deal with any issue on the physical, they usually ask heaven on what to do. While a true pastor is listening to counseling, he is in touch with the Holy spirit on what to say, what to do, and how best to handle the issue at hand. A word from the Lord is more than enough.
  Also, it is key to remember that every profession is an extension of God's wisdom being made manifest here on earth. Man at his best, we only know in part and help in part. Then,  it will be a big indictment to say God cant solve any issue through His Representatives here on earth, HABA.
    Human history has seen failures in professional issues. Men who relapsed after years of professional rehabilitation have been delivered once and for all from years of addiction under God's presence within a twinkle of an eye.
    However, this article does not relegate the use of professional psychologists and counselors where and when necessary, but it does put a check on insulting God's anointing upon true pastors and discourage self - exaltation of limited human knowledge and wisdom.
    In fact, true pastors make referrals whenever necessary because they know they are not God. They also recognize and appreciate professionalism. Let's learn to put things in the right perspective at all times.

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