Monday 30 October 2017


      Often times we question God's choice due to our limitation as men. Anyway, God is not a man, and will never be a man. Genesis 27 narrated how a mother's inquisitiveness led to a whaoh revelation.God told Rebekah how He'll preferred Jacob to Esau in the continuity of His covenant with  Abraham, Gen.25:23, Mal.1:2..

     The over contested word,  hate as ascribed to God means, PREFER. God has no capacity to hate whom He has loved as John 3:16 says, For God so loved the world......... His love for all men is without repentance.
    However, a man's disposition to God influences God's responsibility on Him.This was simply what played out in this story. In God's capacity as the all knowing God, He knew the end from the beginning;  He knew Esau and Jacob in and out and just revealed to their mother what will play out in their lifetime.
    Leaving out sentiment and taking a closer look at Esau, no serious minded person would have willed his precious inheritance to a son who never cherished his own birthright. Esau says, "what is birthright to me... (Gen.25:29-32) because of food.
   After he sold his birthright for food carelessly, he carried on with bitterness, annoyed his parents and his generation is no more on the surface of the earth, Gen.27:41;28:1-6.
   Why didn't God make Esau behave well? The same way He never forces you and I. He gave man the will power, ability to make our choices per time. Even though, Jacob was not a perfect person, but his attitude sustained the covenant. History would have been graviously distorted if God had been sentimental.
    Man look at the face while God considers the heart. Never blame God for his choice of persons, rather, let's continually check the state of our hearts which is what God reckons with. Also, never get angry at people God preferred over you, rather, check your heart and mind your attitude.

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